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示例范文:Describe a piece of furniture in your home
In what situations do people in your country buy furniture?
Well, it depends. To me, people in my country do it when they remodel their home or move to a new place, when their furniture gets worn out, or when they have a new baby or a growing child. However, I am sure there are people who buy furniture in other situations as well. For example, when their income increases, when they look for personal comfort and need additional furniture or when they just want changes. I also guess there can be a need to buy furniture when children move out or elderly parents move in.
In families in your country, who usually decides what furniture to buy for their home?
Well, in most cases men and women make this decision together. It’s common for the lady of the house to initiate changes and to choose what furniture to buy, but it’s men who usually set the budget. However, there are families in which furnishing a home is decided mostly by women as most men hate the chores of decoration. I also think there are families in which men take most of the responsibilities. So, it could go either way.
How do people decide what furniture to buy for the home or office?
Oh, I think two most important factors people consider when choosing anything including furniture are the cost and the quality. Furniture is a significant investment, so it’s necessary to spend wisely. This also explains why the quality is important. Good-quality furniture lasts longer and provides great savings in the long term because it withstands the wear and tear a lot better than the cheap models. What is more, it creates comfort and adds to people’s wellbeing. In some cases people also pay attention to some additional factors like flexibility and functionality, the aesthetic value and the size of their home or office but still bearing the budget and the quality in mind.
Do people in your country prefer traditional or modern styles of furniture?
Well, I think there is no consensus on this question. Tastes differ and people’s choice usually depends on what they like and need. If they want to create a traditional atmosphere and add elegance, romance and a touch of royalty to their home, they definitely opt for traditional furniture which is designed to be long-lasting and durable and has a look that never goes out of style. But if they want a fresher look in their home and look for furniture that focuses simplicity and function and fits nicely into a room without overpowering the entire space, they definitely look among modern styles. So it depends on people’s tastes and needs.